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STEM Endorsements

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Apply Now

Drake offers a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) endorsement at the elementary and secondary level, as well as a professional strand.  These endorsements build upon our existing high quality math and science education courses. These courses will provide students with additional tools to meet the expectations of the Next Generation Science Standards & the Mathematics Common Core.

Drake offers the STEM endorsements at the elementary and secondary level, as well as a professional strand option. 



Jerrid Kruse, PhD
Professor, Teaching and Learning
1-800-44-DRAKE, x3912

Learn More

  • Financial Aid: Iowa teacher shortage areas are designated annually by the Iowa Department of Education. Teachers in shortage areas may be eligible for college student forgiveable loans through both state and federal programs. Science has been identified as a shortage area. Information regarding application for forgivable loans is available at the Iowa College Student Aid Commission website
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Drake University is the home for the South Central Iowa STEM Hub. For more information about this initiative visit the South Central Iowa STEM Hub website.
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