

Below please find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the 全球工作 Program.


由于在中国合法工作的政府澳门威尼斯人网站和批准的时间延长, 在2023-2024年的申请周期中,我们不会继续在中国进行安置. 在科索沃的安置工作仍按计划进行, 我们鼓励有兴趣的申请者申请. 

我们计划在2024-2025年在中国进行安置, 该过程将于2023年秋季开始.

你需要成为美国人吗.S. 参与全球工作的公民?


P参与者不需要是美国人.S. 公民. 然而,对于非美国人来说.S. 公民申请, 可能会有额外的签证规定, 成本, 以及申请人需要负责获取的相关文件. 而我们的办公室可以提供一般的协助, the applicant is ultimately responsible for their visa and other work-related requirements as outlined by the 科索沃 government. 另外, 参与者需要以英语为母语或英语水平接近母语水平. 我们的许多合作组织依赖于参与者的英语流利程度,因此 参与者 需要证明自己的英语水平接近母语水平. 



参与者不需要是美国公民.S. 公民. 然而,我n order for our partner schools in 中国 to secure work visas for our teachers they must be native speakers of English or have developed near-native proficiency in English AND hold a passport from a country where English is widely considered a dominant language. F或班.S. 公民申请人,在这里 也 是否有额外的签证规定, 成本, 以及申请人需要负责的相关文书工作 

重要的是要注意while nearly all of the placements made through the program have been for English teachers (some of whom have come from countries other than the U.S., 比如印度, Trinidad and the Philippines) we have had a few teachers from other countries teach their native language that 也 taught at our partner schools (such as Japanese, 俄文和西班牙文). 


请浏览我们的 如何申请 页面上的详细说明的应用澳门威尼斯人网站.

《威尼斯人网上娱乐》通常将参与者安排在中国的3个城市(桂林, 重庆, 和石家庄)和科索沃的一个城市(普里什蒂纳). Maintaining such a variety of relationships allows for diverse placement options for program 参与者.

申请人被要求考虑他们想要的城市大小和与其他项目参与者的接近程度. 另外, 全球工作:中国实习, 申请人被要求考虑他们喜欢教的学生的水平(中学), 高中, 或大学). 在世界各地工作:科索沃实习, 申请人被要求考虑他们的首选行业或专业兴趣(市场营销, 公共关系, 数据分析, 等.). 

Applicants sharing more details about their goals in participating in the program allows program staff to determine which placement is most appropriate for each applicant. 而每个参与者的偏好指导了安置过程, 整个参与者群体的需求, 以及我们的合作机构, 也被考虑在内吗. Those applicants with previous experience directly pertaining to the placement specifications will be given priority. 


点击这里查看 项目时间表.

另外, 在中国的实习(2023-2024年在中国没有实习), 请注意,TEFL培训确实在4月份开始, 为了在6月初完成120小时的培训,必须在学期结束前完成. 请检查日历,以确保您能够参加所有会议.




  • 为学员提供就业建议,并协助学员与未来雇主沟通
  • 工作居留申请流程指导
  • Brief cultural orientation and event(s) will be organized with the 科索沃 Consulate in Des Moines and Drake Global Engagement Office as appropriate.
  • 在美国大使馆注册 智能旅行者注册计划(STEP)



There are some additional expenses 参与者 should plan to cover prior to receiving their first paycheck, 在他们工作的第一个月之后. There is 也 a slight variation in which (if any) of the post-arrival expenses are reimbursed by a participant's placement institution, 以及参与者在家庭和日常开支上的花费.

除了节目费用, 参加者须于出发前准备支付以下费用:

  • 爱荷华州刑事调查局背景调查,15美元
  • 护照,如果需要的话——110美元
  • 签证:140美元(中国),40欧元(科索沃)
  • 到中国/科索沃单程机票-约. $1,000(国际工作:中国-由学校报销)
  • 出发前和出发后的体检费用- 50美元
  • 接种疫苗,如果需要——大约. $100
  • 旅行医疗保险- ~$100-200
  • 居留许可- $80(在世界范围内工作:中国-可以由学校报销)
  • 超重行李费- $50(全球工作:中国-可由学校报销)
  • 初始家庭开支——大约250美元
  • 第一个月的费用——大约250美元



Program 参与者 are provided all necessary materials required to apply for their entry visas as well as instruction on the application during the program training and they themselves work with the Program Coordinator to apply for their visas or residence permits.  Program 参与者 are then responsible for arranging their own travel to the specified location once a visa has been secured. 对于科索沃,参加者在抵达科索沃之前不需要申请居留许可. 



在2023- 2024年,对于每周工作40小时,我们的合作伙伴将提供:

  • 估计每月500欧元的生活津贴(工资)
    • 这通常足以支付科索沃合租住房的基本生活费用.
  • 假期和病假福利



在2019- 2020年,教师平均每周工作时间为15-17小时,通常收到:

  • 月薪4000 - 5000元人民币(约575- 725美元)

  • 带家具的私人住宅

  • 紧急医疗保险

  • 报销往返中国的机票

  • 额外的旅行津贴1100元人民币(约160美元)
  • 学期之间有4-6周的带薪假期




被派往科索沃的参与者负责确保自己的住房. 参与者的现场雇主可能会帮助参与者寻找住房, 然而,个人最终要为住房和所有相关费用负责. 每月租金从150欧元到500欧元不等. 我们提供这种广泛的范围,因为每月的租金成本因地点而异, 公寓的大小, 设施, 室友数量(如果有的话).



Participants placed in 中国 are provided individual housing by their host institution as part of their compensation. 而各院校的住宿质量略有不同, 所有住房都包括私人浴室, 电话, 和电视. 住宿条件与外国学生或大学教师的住宿条件相当.



Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase major medical emergency coverage that will cover them throughout their entire term of employment in 科索沃. 参加者的雇主不会为参加者提供紧急医疗保险. Participants are encouraged to explore their current health insurance plan to check if it will have sufficient coverage for their time in 科索沃. 


Partner institutions provide emergency medical coverage for program 参与者 and often do not cover expenses associated with routine illness. 合作院校将为项目参与者提供保险. Program applicants are asked to provide information about special medical needs during the application process so that proper arrangements can be made with partner institutions to ensure medical care can be correctly administered in case of an emergency.

除了紧急医疗保险, 参与者 are encouraged to purchase additional major medical emergency coverage to supplement coverage not included by the partner institution. Participants are encouraged to explore their current health insurance plan to check if it will have sufficient coverage for their time in 中国. 




Program 参与者 placed in 科索沃 must adhere to the time off benefits as outlined in their contract with their partner institution. 威尼斯人网上娱乐 will work directly with the partner institution on this contract to determine fair and reasonable employment conditions and benefits. 在休假的时候, 参与者 will need to work directly with their partner institution and receive approval prior to taking time off.


Program 参与者 placed in 中国 who teach for a year at a partner institution are provided a stipend (approximately $160) for travel during the interim Spring Festival break between semesters (mid-January to mid-February). 教师也经常被允许在10月和5月的国家法定假日期间旅行.




尽管科索沃在最近的记忆中一直是一个冲突地区, 从那以后,它成为了一个安全稳定的国家. 首都普里什蒂纳保持着较低的犯罪率,尽管有小偷小偷的报道. 就像在任何一个大城市一样,外国人被鼓励在晚上外出时要小心. 

有关科索沃安全的更多信息,请参阅美国国务院的 领事资料单张 在科索沃.


而中国的犯罪率非常低, 大多数外国人报告说,他们在身体上感到非常安全, depending on your location it is not uncommon for foreigners to be the target of pickpockets and other petty criminals when out in public (especially at tourists sites and markets). 而一些项目参与者住在他们的主办机构的场地内, 哪些是封闭和守卫的, 或者在有额外警卫的宿舍或公寓里, 其他学生则被提供校外公寓. Much care is taken on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Offices of partner institutions to protect the safety of foreign teachers.
有关在中国安全的更多信息,请参阅美国国务院网站 领事资料单张 在P.R. 中国.


所有联邦政府担保的贷款都可以根据收入来偿还. 考虑到通过全球工作计划获得的补偿金额, 参与者通常可以获得很低的月供,或者没有月供, 或者向贷款机构申请经济困难延期. This allows graduates to defer paying their student loans until after they return from the 全球工作 program. 然而, applicants are encouraged to check the terms of their loan agreements and call their lending institutions to ensure they can receive such a payment schedule or deferment. 私人贷款很少有这样的延期.

找到更多关于贷款偿还方式的信息 联邦学生资助 网页.


请浏览 国税局的网站 了解更多信息.


如果您有进一步的问题或想要澄清这里找到的信息,请发电子邮件 studyabroad@3dtvreviewsblog.com 或致电全球参与(515)271-2084. 你也可以去全球参与办公室, 位于考尔斯图书馆, 打开8:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday. 
